Shipping Policy

We send many items of various shapes and sizes, as such, shipping may vary slightly depending on the type of item. Generally, there are three categories:


  • Large and/or fragile goods: Most goods are large and/or fragile, such as mirrors and basins. Shipping for these items is generally sent to your provided home/ business adress, or may sometimes be sent to a depot for collection.
  • Oversized Items - Oversized goods are any products that are large and/or fragile, whilst also having at least one side that is 110cm or more. Oversized goods includes items such as very large mirrors and bathtubs. Oversized items are sent to your nearest depot (unless otherwise specified), or may alternatively be sent to a commercial premise with a forklift on site. We may additionally quote you for a tailgate home delivery, which will have additional costs.
  • All other items - Any item that does not fall into the other two categories. These items are shipped to your home, unless they are bundled with items from the other categories.


General Terms

  1. All items must be inspected upon receipt and any claims for damages must be made within 24 hours. Due to the fragile nature of the majority of the products that we sell, it is extremely important you check all items for damages and defects when you receive them. Goods that have been received, and left on site for a period of time cannot be claimed for, as the goods may have been damaged in the time that they were left in storage or handled by the various tradesmen on site.
  2. We reserve the right to cancel an order if an item is undeliverable or difficult to fulfil. We will contact you and advise you if an order is cancelled due to this reason. Alternative arrangements may be made.